337 lines
13 KiB
337 lines
13 KiB
import gym
from gym import spaces
from gym.envs.registration import EnvSpec
import numpy as np
from multiagent.multi_discrete import MultiDiscrete
# environment for all agents in the multiagent world
# currently code assumes that no agents will be created/destroyed at runtime!
class MultiAgentEnv(gym.Env):
metadata = {
'render.modes' : ['human', 'rgb_array']
def __init__(self, world, reset_callback=None, reward_callback=None,
observation_callback=None, info_callback=None,
done_callback=None, shared_viewer=True):
self.world = world
self.agents = self.world.policy_agents
# set required vectorized gym env property
self.n = len(world.policy_agents)
# scenario callbacks
self.reset_callback = reset_callback
self.reward_callback = reward_callback
self.observation_callback = observation_callback
self.info_callback = info_callback
self.done_callback = done_callback
# environment parameters
self.discrete_action_space = True
# if true, action is a number 0...N, otherwise action is a one-hot N-dimensional vector
self.discrete_action_input = False
# if true, even the action is continuous, action will be performed discretely
self.force_discrete_action = world.discrete_action if hasattr(world, 'discrete_action') else False
# if true, every agent has the same reward
self.shared_reward = world.collaborative if hasattr(world, 'collaborative') else False
self.time = 0
# configure spaces
self.action_space = []
self.observation_space = []
for agent in self.agents:
total_action_space = []
# physical action space
if self.discrete_action_space:
u_action_space = spaces.Discrete(world.dim_p * 2 + 1)
u_action_space = spaces.Box(low=-agent.u_range, high=+agent.u_range, shape=(world.dim_p,), dtype=np.float32)
if agent.movable:
# communication action space
if self.discrete_action_space:
c_action_space = spaces.Discrete(world.dim_c)
c_action_space = spaces.Box(low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=(world.dim_c,), dtype=np.float32)
if not agent.silent:
# total action space
if len(total_action_space) > 1:
# all action spaces are discrete, so simplify to MultiDiscrete action space
if all([isinstance(act_space, spaces.Discrete) for act_space in total_action_space]):
act_space = MultiDiscrete([[0, act_space.n - 1] for act_space in total_action_space])
act_space = spaces.Tuple(total_action_space)
# observation space
obs_dim = len(observation_callback(agent, self.world))
self.observation_space.append(spaces.Box(low=-np.inf, high=+np.inf, shape=(obs_dim,), dtype=np.float32))
agent.action.c = np.zeros(self.world.dim_c)
# rendering
self.shared_viewer = shared_viewer
if self.shared_viewer:
self.viewers = [None]
self.viewers = [None] * self.n
def step(self, action_n):
obs_n = []
reward_n = []
done_n = []
info_n = {'n': []}
self.agents = self.world.policy_agents
# set action for each agent
for i, agent in enumerate(self.agents):
self._set_action(action_n[i], agent, self.action_space[i])
# advance world state
# record observation for each agent
for agent in self.agents:
# all agents get total reward in cooperative case
reward = np.sum(reward_n)
if self.shared_reward:
reward_n = [reward] * self.n
return obs_n, reward_n, done_n, info_n
def reset(self):
# reset world
# reset renderer
# record observations for each agent
obs_n = []
self.agents = self.world.policy_agents
for agent in self.agents:
return obs_n
# get info used for benchmarking
def _get_info(self, agent):
if self.info_callback is None:
return {}
return self.info_callback(agent, self.world)
# get observation for a particular agent
def _get_obs(self, agent):
if self.observation_callback is None:
return np.zeros(0)
return self.observation_callback(agent, self.world)
# get dones for a particular agent
# unused right now -- agents are allowed to go beyond the viewing screen
def _get_done(self, agent):
if self.done_callback is None:
return False
return self.done_callback(agent, self.world)
# get reward for a particular agent
def _get_reward(self, agent):
if self.reward_callback is None:
return 0.0
return self.reward_callback(agent, self.world)
# set env action for a particular agent
def _set_action(self, action, agent, action_space, time=None):
agent.action.u = np.zeros(self.world.dim_p)
agent.action.c = np.zeros(self.world.dim_c)
# process action
if isinstance(action_space, MultiDiscrete):
act = []
size = action_space.high - action_space.low + 1
index = 0
for s in size:
index += s
action = act
action = [action]
if agent.movable:
# physical action
if self.discrete_action_input:
agent.action.u = np.zeros(self.world.dim_p)
# process discrete action
if action[0] == 1: agent.action.u[0] = -1.0
if action[0] == 2: agent.action.u[0] = +1.0
if action[0] == 3: agent.action.u[1] = -1.0
if action[0] == 4: agent.action.u[1] = +1.0
if self.force_discrete_action:
d = np.argmax(action[0])
action[0][:] = 0.0
action[0][d] = 1.0
if self.discrete_action_space:
agent.action.u[0] += action[0][1] - action[0][2]
agent.action.u[1] += action[0][3] - action[0][4]
agent.action.u = action[0]
sensitivity = 5.0
if agent.accel is not None:
sensitivity = agent.accel
agent.action.u *= sensitivity
action = action[1:]
if not agent.silent:
# communication action
if self.discrete_action_input:
agent.action.c = np.zeros(self.world.dim_c)
agent.action.c[action[0]] = 1.0
agent.action.c = action[0]
action = action[1:]
# make sure we used all elements of action
assert len(action) == 0
# reset rendering assets
def _reset_render(self):
self.render_geoms = None
self.render_geoms_xform = None
# render environment
def render(self, mode='human'):
if mode == 'human':
message = ''
for agent in self.world.agents:
comm = []
for other in self.world.agents:
if other is agent: continue
if np.all(other.state.c == 0):
word = '_'
word = alphabet[np.argmax(other.state.c)]
message += (other.name + ' to ' + agent.name + ': ' + word + ' ')
for i in range(len(self.viewers)):
# create viewers (if necessary)
if self.viewers[i] is None:
# import rendering only if we need it (and don't import for headless machines)
#from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
from multiagent import rendering
self.viewers[i] = rendering.Viewer(700,700)
# create rendering geometry
if self.render_geoms is None:
# import rendering only if we need it (and don't import for headless machines)
#from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering
from multiagent import rendering
self.render_geoms = []
self.render_geoms_xform = []
for entity in self.world.entities:
geom = rendering.make_circle(entity.size)
xform = rendering.Transform()
if 'agent' in entity.name:
geom.set_color(*entity.color, alpha=0.5)
# add geoms to viewer
for viewer in self.viewers:
viewer.geoms = []
for geom in self.render_geoms:
results = []
for i in range(len(self.viewers)):
from multiagent import rendering
# update bounds to center around agent
cam_range = 1
if self.shared_viewer:
pos = np.zeros(self.world.dim_p)
pos = self.agents[i].state.p_pos
# update geometry positions
for e, entity in enumerate(self.world.entities):
# render to display or array
results.append(self.viewers[i].render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array'))
return results
# create receptor field locations in local coordinate frame
def _make_receptor_locations(self, agent):
receptor_type = 'polar'
range_min = 0.05 * 2.0
range_max = 1.00
dx = []
# circular receptive field
if receptor_type == 'polar':
for angle in np.linspace(-np.pi, +np.pi, 8, endpoint=False):
for distance in np.linspace(range_min, range_max, 3):
dx.append(distance * np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)]))
# add origin
dx.append(np.array([0.0, 0.0]))
# grid receptive field
if receptor_type == 'grid':
for x in np.linspace(-range_max, +range_max, 5):
for y in np.linspace(-range_max, +range_max, 5):
return dx
# vectorized wrapper for a batch of multi-agent environments
# assumes all environments have the same observation and action space
class BatchMultiAgentEnv(gym.Env):
metadata = {
'runtime.vectorized': True,
'render.modes' : ['human', 'rgb_array']
def __init__(self, env_batch):
self.env_batch = env_batch
def n(self):
return np.sum([env.n for env in self.env_batch])
def action_space(self):
return self.env_batch[0].action_space
def observation_space(self):
return self.env_batch[0].observation_space
def step(self, action_n, time):
obs_n = []
reward_n = []
done_n = []
info_n = {'n': []}
i = 0
for env in self.env_batch:
obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action_n[i:(i+env.n)], time)
i += env.n
obs_n += obs
# reward = [r / len(self.env_batch) for r in reward]
reward_n += reward
done_n += done
return obs_n, reward_n, done_n, info_n
def reset(self):
obs_n = []
for env in self.env_batch:
obs_n += env.reset()
return obs_n
# render environment
def render(self, mode='human', close=True):
results_n = []
for env in self.env_batch:
results_n += env.render(mode, close)
return results_n