# Shower HTML presentation engine Follow [@shower_me](https://twitter.com/shower_me) for support and updates To see Shower in action: - Open [shwr.me](http://shwr.me/) - Click any slide to enter presentation mode - Use arrow keys or presenter remote to navigate - Press `Esc` to exit presentation mode See [Wiki](https://github.com/shower/shower/wiki) for more information how to use Shower. ## Using Shower There are two ways of making presentation using Shower: you can just download an archive with all you need or you can install needed Shower modules using [npm](https://www.npmjs.org) or [bower](http://bower.io). ## Simple Way In a simple way you just download the latest Shower version with built-in themes and use it. 1. Download and unarchive [shower.zip](http://shwr.me/shower.zip) 2. Open `index.html` in any code or text editor, edit your slides in HTML 3. Use `pictures` folder for pictures used in presentation 4. Once finished, open `index.html` in a browser, enter full screen and start presenting ## Module Way Module way allows you to manually install needed Shower packages and requires [Git](http://git-scm.com/) and [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) installed together with package managment system: `npm` or `bower`. 1. Clone Shower `git clone git@github.com:shower/shower.git --depth 1` or download [shower-pkg.zip](http://shwr.me/shower-pkg.zip) 2. Run `npm install` (or `bower install`) command in resulted folder to install script and themes 3. Open `index.html` in any code or text editor, edit your slides in HTML 4. Use `pictures` folder for pictures used in presentation 5. Once finished, open `index.html` in browser, enter full screen and start presenting ## Usage examples - [Clear and Sharp](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/clear-and-sharp/) - [CSS Management](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/knife-train/) - [Push it!](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/push-it/) - [Pre-fixes](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/pre-fixes/) - [Web In Curves](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/web-in-curves/) - [Sense Coding](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/sense-coding/) ## Browser support Latest stable versions of Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Safari are supported. ## Contributing You’re always welcome to contibute. Fork project, make changes and send it as pull request. But it’s better to file an [issue](https://github.com/shower/shower/issues) with your idea first. Read [contributing rules](https://github.com/shower/shower/blob/master/Contributing.md) for more details. Main contributors: [pepelsbey](https://github.com/pepelsbey), [jahson](https://github.com/jahson), [miripiruni](https://github.com/miripiruni), [kizu](https://github.com/kizu), [artpolikarpov](https://github.com/artpolikarpov), [tonyganch](https://github.com/tonyganch). --- Licensed under [MIT License](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License), see [license page](https://github.com/shower/shower/wiki/MIT-License) for details.