module.exports = { 'Timer is switching to the next slide when finished': function (test) { test .open('http://localhost:7497/tests/?full#3') .wait(5000) .assert.attr('[id="4"]', 'class').to.contain('active', 'Next slide is Active') .done(); }, 'Timer becomes Active and switching to the next slide when finished': function (test) { test .open('http://localhost:7497/tests/?full#4') .sendKeys('body', '\uE012') // Left .wait(5000) .assert.attr('[id="4"]', 'class').to.contain('active', 'Next slide is Active') .done(); }, 'Left Arrow key is skipping timer while it’s not finished': function (test) { test .open('http://localhost:7497/tests/?full#3') .sendKeys('body', '\uE012') // Left .assert.attr('[id="2"]', 'class').to.contain('active', 'Previous slide is Active') .done(); }, 'Right Arrow key is skipping timer while it’s not finished': function (test) { test .open('http://localhost:7497/tests/?full#3') .sendKeys('body', '\uE014') // Right .assert.attr('[id="4"]', 'class').to.contain('active', 'Next slide is Active') .done(); } };