# Shower Сross-browser presentation template. * Open [pepelsbey.github.com/shower/index.en.htm](http://pepelsbey.github.com/shower/index.en.htm) * Press any slide to enter presentation mode * Press arrow keys to navigate * Press `Esc` to exit presentation mode Or use just a keyboard to navigate: * Press right arrow key to select first slide * Press Enter to enter presentation mode * Press `Esc` to exit presentation mode Follow [shower_me](http://twitter.com/shower_me/) on Twitter for updates. Licensed under [MIT License](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License), see [License](https://github.com/pepelsbey/shower/wiki/License) wiki page. ## Supported Browsers Desktop platforms: * Chrome * Firefox * Opera * Safari Only latest stable versions of mentioned browsers are supported. ## Planned Support Desktop platforms: * IE10 Mobile platforms: * Mobile Safari * Opera Mobile Please address bugs and your suggestions to [Issues](http://github.com/pepelsbey/shower/issues) ## Usage examples * [CSS Management](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/css-management/) * [Dynamic Graphics](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/dynamic-graphics/) * [Sense Coding](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/sense-coding/) * [Special Effects Tea](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/special-effects-tea/) * [Web In Curves](http://pepelsbey.net/pres/web-in-curves/)